Sunday, August 18, 2013

Do Something Monday: Probiotics

A theme that is being impressed on me as of late is really healing your gut.  As in our digestive health is crucial to our overall health.  Unfortunately in this country, we are killing our guts!

So I'm determined to integrate more healthy things into my gut, consisting of fermented drinks (kombucha, apple cider vinegar) and probiotics.  We'll see if I feel the difference.

Check out this post for some more information.

I'm obviously on a journey like everyone else and learning as I go.  I am determined though to take care of my health so I can glorify God to the best of my ability.  It's my spirit first, then my body.  But my body houses God's spirit, so care wisely!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

do something

I'm instituting a "Do Something" Monday here on Wholly Yours.  Sometimes the whole idea of healthy living can seem overwhelming when you are thrown a laundry list of "to-do's"...everything from "Walk 10,000 steps a day" to "Don't eat anything white" to "Drink Apple Cider Vinegar"  If you are just trying to make a change, then simply make one change.  It doesn't have to be hard.  It's really what you make it.

Where are you at?  Do you exercise at all?  No?  Then just try walking 10 minutes a day.

Do you struggle with your diet?  Then commit to eating 1 serving of broccoli with your dinner.

Can't give up Diet Coke?  Then drink 1/2 the can instead of all of it.

Just do something.  Start small and you're more likely to keep with it.  Once you tackle one challenge, try something new.

Every Monday I'm going to highlight one "do something".

This week, we'll look at the benefits of drinking water.  Easy peasy!  Just make sure you're staying hydrated.

Some benefits of drinking water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted!

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories!

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around!

5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks.

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines & back pains too!) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains - Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money! - Water is FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than that high sugar and fat-filled latte!

(benefits taken from mindbodygreen )

Saturday, March 23, 2013

honor God

"The real difficulty is that (Christians) have never understood that their eating habits should reflect their deepest beliefs about life.  In other words, they have failed to learn that the right kind of food can transform them into the energetic, healthy people they are meant to be."  ~ Dr. Kenneth Cooper

Friday, March 22, 2013

begin now

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Do you live that way?  Do I live that way?  Can we really even grasp how truly sacred this statement is supposed to be?  In our feeble bodies, we are to carry the very spirit of God.

Wow!  Let that sink in.  Truly sink in.

My heart has been disturbed by the lack of care many Christians put on their bodies.  And I think God has called me to share this...not because I am any different than the majority.  Because I am one of them.

Because I feed my soul not with God, but with an oreo, a piece of dark chocolate, Reese's peanut butter cups.

I am normal.  At this moment I am 9 months pregnant with 2 little ones in the other room watching a movie.  And I feel called to step out and begin a journey of discovering the place our bodies have in carrying our soul and the Holy Spirit of God.  I have gained 50 pounds with this pregnancy.  And as much as I still think I'm healthy, there is a number on that scale that disturbs me.  Is that healthy?  Am I healthy?  Do I cultivate a sanctuary for God and for me to live the life He has called me?  Or do I just get by, thinking, "We're going to all die anyways, might as well enjoy it as we go."

God wants more....I want more.

Bring on the challenge, sweet Lord.  Come with me anyone who wants to change their life and change their world.